E46 LED Angel Eyes

Regular price $69.99


The Standard Angel Eyes use the SMD 3528 LED which allows the LEDs to be closer together creating a continuous ring versus other angel eyes that use less LEDs creating gaps between the lights.The LED Angel eyes will also last longer and are brighter than the CCFL Angel Eyes and the LEDs will not have the cold weather issues like the CCFL Angel Eyes.

The Opaque Angel Eyes uses the same SMD 3528 LED as the Standard Angel Eye except instead of having a clear cover, it has a white cover.  The white cover gives the angel eyes a more glowing look and cleaner solid line look. Due do the white cover over the LEDs, the light output is slightly decreased when compared to the standard angel eyes with the clear cover.

The Standard & Opaque 120 LED Angel Eyes use the SMD 3014 LEDS which are smaller LEDs but are much closer together which means smaller gaps between the LEDs more LEDs also means a lot brighter output. The 3528 angel eye will have 60 LEDS depending on ring size where these will have 120 LEDs. 120 LEDs are only available in white only.

The Crystal Angel Eyes & DTM Crystal Angel Eyes also use the SMG 3528 LEDs but has a thicker acrylic cover giving it a much modern look. Since these are much thicker than your traditional angel eye, some of the black inner headlight trim may need to be trimmed in order to clear the angel eyes. These angel eyes are also slightly heavier so additional mounting tape or the wire method may be needed to install them securely

White / Amber Switchbacks - Turn Signal Method : Used if you want the angel eyes to be white and blink amber when signalling. Angel eyes go back to white once you stop signaling. Kit will include additional wire and wire taps for installation. Please see DIY Section for installation. 

White / Amber Switchbacks - Switch Method: Used if you want to be able to change between white or amber using the switch but will not flash when signaling. Kit will include switch and complete harness. Please see DIY section for installation.

2004-2006 Facelift Coupes Non M3: The headlight lens is sealed onto the headlight and the headlights needs to be heated in order to release the lens. This can be done by using a heat gun or "bake" the headlight. Please use caution and attempt at your own risk. Follow the wiring instructions in the DIY section.

Kit includes:
(4) Angel Eye Rings 
Wiring Harness which includes the fade in/ fade out feature using key.
8 Angel Eyes Clips
Double Sided Tape & Wire Taps


-White and Switchback Turn Signal Kits ship in 1-3 days 

-Switchback Switch Method ship in 1-2 weeks from when order is placed.  



Warranty: All Angel Eyes will come with a 1 Year Warranty against defect. Damages that occur during installation is not covered. For warranty claims please contact Joey via email at joey@angeleyeguy.com

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